Not even boboi@derrick,who always appear anonymous in here... hEhE... weLL.. its ok anyway.. who am I to want somebody come in here and read my bLog right?hEhE (minta kesian)
Okay, I was at church earlier ... and so far, it is the best sermon ever by an American priest. It went something like this.
"I was walking around earlier, and It was so hot! So I went into a supermarket called 'carrefour' and there I saw a lot of 'instant things'. Instant milk powder. Put water and u get miLk.I saw instant noodles. Put water and u get noodles. I saw instant orange juice. Put water and u get orange juice. While I was in there, I ended up at the baby section. And U know what? I saw 'baby powder'. U put water and u get a baby. IM JUST KIDDING" .... *This is the part where everybody laughed.
Then came his serious part of the sermont. "U cant become an instant Christian. U dont just go to church put water and instantly become a new man, reborn sinless" ...
Something that made me think....