About Me

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I am 5'7 and I dont really update myself with my weight. The last time I checked, I was 70kg. I have tan skin,brown eyes,i cut my hair with size 1 twice a week and etc.Well, I am just an ordinary person. Speaking of ordinary, I dont have any disabled forearms and my face is perfectly fine. I am straight and so far, I dont think I have any enemies. I am trying my best to be a good citizen of God and also to my country. I want to have a better life and hopefully someday my dream wiLL come true.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Apparently,Nobody reads my bLog anymore..

Not even boboi@derrick,who always appear anonymous in here... hEhE... weLL.. its ok anyway.. who am I to want somebody come in here and read my bLog right?hEhE (minta kesian)

Okay, I was at church earlier ... and so far, it is the best sermon ever by an American priest. It went something like this.

"I was walking around earlier, and It was so hot! So I went into a supermarket called 'carrefour' and there I saw a lot of 'instant things'. Instant milk powder. Put water and u get miLk.I saw instant noodles. Put water and u get noodles. I saw instant orange juice. Put water and u get orange juice. While I was in there, I ended up at the baby section. And U know what? I saw 'baby powder'. U put water and u get a baby. IM JUST KIDDING" .... *This is the part where everybody laughed.

Then came his serious part of the sermont. "U cant become an instant Christian. U dont just go to church put water and instantly become a new man, reborn sinless" ...


Something that made me think....



Lady Trish said...

Nice sermon but what he said is true. The same apply to all religion.

Btw, how are you? Long time no chat..:)

Velarry Suan said...

ets... ada puLa peminat setia sa.. thx sarah!! hEhE.. yup.. it applies to all.. hEhE....

im cool.. u?

Anonymous said...

derrick: pukiayam..... , wui sa sikul suda ging! kau tau laini... tiada INTERNET... kalau dlu sa di rumah saja ... sampai pagi kita chat mau kok kok kok ayam suda....!!! hahahahaha

sa update ba kau punya blog ni!!!!! sa online pun pakai broadband orang.. so ada malu skit la...!!! mau aAhhhmpit pun nda buli lama... akakakakaka

kau pulang..!!! kita pigi BARSU !!!! DAMNNNN HOT !!!! kalau suda mabuk dari RUMBA , Masuk barsu LAYAN !!! akakakakakakaka....

~cepat sikit pulang.. banyak appointment kau ni ye!!!

till then, TC... GOD BLESS YOU !

Anonymous said...

datang rumah sewa sa sini sri maju! kita makan makan !!! kakakakaka

tapi tiada internet. itu la x dpt online kikiki

Velarry Suan said...

aiks? hEhE... ko nda suda pulang balik rumah skrG? selama ni sa pikir ko suda start skuL .. adedeh... hEhE.. Sia namau pgi barSu.. sa mau pgi Ice Bar.. HEhEhE.... sama BED clUb.. sama rumba.... hEhEHE...aaaahhhmmmpit sja ba... bukan nda besa.. :P

Anonymous said...

ya sa tinggal sini sri maju sama kawan2... panat jo driving balik2 pigi kinarut... isi minyak saja mau tau.. kalau d sri maju ada juga bikin stok2 utk hari 6 p rumba akakakakaka

kesto bila kau balik sini sbh.. jgn lambat2.. kita mau pigi makan chicken curry hAHAHAHAH

barsu manyak chicks... i repeat.. " CHICKS " , tarang mata kau saja mau tahan.. hahahaha.... , nda juga telampau lagu mcm karan.. lagu pitbull calle ocho..!! matai.. balilit mau menari chicks... kakaakkaa...

p/s: ice-bar ok cantik. tapi lagu... hhahahaa... paham2 la

Velarry Suan said...

ahahaha.. cantik.. aturan kewangan suda ngam tu kalau begitu... bah.. mana sja La.. sa ikut sja ni kaLi.. teda bantahan... tapi kalau sama juga lagu shuffle tatap sa sabarang pgi rumba.. wakakakkakakkakkka!!!

Girllyen said...

Yerr.. sya masih bah.. but.. snailband bah sya guna.. macam mana juga.. uwaah~ Ye.. mana suda ko ni.. huhuh..

Velarry Suan said...

apa tu snailband? hehe.. lambat punya? :P