About Me

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I am 5'7 and I dont really update myself with my weight. The last time I checked, I was 70kg. I have tan skin,brown eyes,i cut my hair with size 1 twice a week and etc.Well, I am just an ordinary person. Speaking of ordinary, I dont have any disabled forearms and my face is perfectly fine. I am straight and so far, I dont think I have any enemies. I am trying my best to be a good citizen of God and also to my country. I want to have a better life and hopefully someday my dream wiLL come true.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lin si lin yong!!!!! Hi sei lah!!!

Have u ever met a person that would never admit that he/she lost a conversation with you? They always wanna win no matter what. Even if u manage to prove that they are wrong, they stiLL wont admit the lost.. and at every topic of conversation ur having ... he or she wiLL start his sentence with.. "Kalau SAYA... " .. or "Kalau KAWAN SAYA..." .. "kalau ADIK SAYA,KAKAK SAYA, ABANG SAYA... BAPA SAYA ... MAMA SAYA .. UNCLE SAYA " ... Pendek kata... EVERYTHING IS ABOUT THEM... AND THEY WIN IN EVERYTHING....

Contoh perbualan:NEUTRAL: Bola itu bulat.Si Bodoh yg sombong: Tidak .. boLa itu tidak buLat.. boLa itu segi empatKesimpulan: they know they are wrong but they wont admit it.. Just a simple conversation to give you the idea what Im trying to tell u...

For a much complicated sample check this outNeutral: Punya panas tu aircon... berpeluh2 sy dalam keretaSi Bodoh Yang Sombong : Mana ada panas tu.. Sejuk pun tu tadi sa cuba...(Lalu dia pun pergi menghidupkan kereta dan ternyata aircon kereta itu rosak dan panas... dia langsung puLang ke rumah kerana terlalu maLu dengan kebodohannya)

I know some people who are naturally born this way and we categorize them as ...well actually we dont know what to call them coz they can be a pain in the arse .. the thing is .. they are not aware of this .. and it itches me to say it to their face .. A little something like this...... "Ei geng... Kanapa ba gaya kau begini ni ? kenapa ba kau nda pandai kalah ni? Kurang ka baras mama kau kalau kau kalah satu kaLi??? Suda ampai2 kau tidak dapat lawan urang punya ckp kau masi mau manang.. dari mana ba kau balajar gaya kau begini ni??? Coz as far as I know ... Mama Bapa kau urang baik2 owh.. very down to earth.. and here you are taLking about what u know and what u have .. being conceited ... being cocky ..and being vain ... Sa lama suda mau ckp sama kau ba ni.. tapi sa sabarrrrrr sja .. apa maciam la gelfren/boyfren kau tahan sama kau ni?? ... Suda la tinggi diri... cakap besar.... kalau pun ko kaya. kalau pun ko pandai.. jangan la ba tayang2 .. urang sendiri buLi nampak ba ... Are u aware that you are being isolated by your frens.. your family? Kalau kau start beckp.. urang sekeliling kau satu2 pusing trus jalan.. pura2 pgi tandas.. pagi makan?? Ko sedarkah?????"

If I had the guts.. That is what I would say to this handfull of people who are not aware that they are irritating and annoying ALLLLLLLLLLL the time.. To judge a friend is the last thing I would do..Coz i was taught to accept a friend just the way they are.... Tapi kalau begini punya haL .. Kita tidak buLi kasi biar suda.. kita mesti ckp terus terang sama durang .. sebab kalau kita simpan dalam hati.. nanti kita sendiri jadi sot... coz as a friend.. it is our responsible to stop this agony from growing.. jangan sampai durang didik anak durang with this way.. which is to KASI BESAR DIRI durang d depan urang lain... We dont want a community that talk big.. but we want a community that is down to earth and humble... Urang tua2 ckp " Biar diam asal penuh.. jangan bising tapi kosong"....

Tapi sayang sekali.. Its not our nature to tell it to their face... So what can we do?? NOTHING.. We gonna have to learn how to ignore them.. and just let them be cocky.. arrogant...vain .. conceited... etc... etc... SENDIRI MAU PIKIR LA GENG!!!!!! Itu umpama cerita dongeng raja yang telanjang.. rakyat nampak dia bogel.. tapi rakyat tidak brani kasi pakai dia baju .. abis takut dia maLu.. jadi dia kana kasi biar sja talanjang sampai dia mati...

I know there's no point of me typing this down because it wont change anything.. but.. Im bored.. and I've been having this on my mind for a Longgggggg time now.. and .. its good to finally take it out of me..


Sylvia Easter said...

yea, lin si lin yong~ lol XD

Girllyen said...

Ye.. sya pun ada jumpa orang begini.. and face the tulun everyday.. and i was like.. okay.. i say i love london pun dia cakap.. tapi kalau di london tu tidak best bah.. macam laa dia pernah pigi london.. silaka betul ni..

Velarry Suan said...

Barbie.... hehe.. :P

Girly... Tapi ada urang kan.. sama2 lin si pun durang tidak sedar tu.. hahaha

Hahangai Avanus said...

Uikk?? Jeles ka Ye?? kikiki..ko pun buli letak Tanak Wagu Awantang bah di blog ko kalu ko mo... Janganlah kasih jatu org sendiri plak... Begini ka pla perangai 'anak2 Tuhan' ni..waduhh2... kekekeke....

Jadi macam mana?? Ko nda free kali mo tulung2 org susah ni kan bulan 5..

Velarry Suan said...

kahkahkah.. sa mau taru "Tanak Vagu Novuvu adahaan do moginum" .. buLi ka? wakakakaka...

Sa mau La!!! Kasi masuk nama sa.. manatau tasalam unduk ngadau kan!? wakakakaka...