I read a joke at" the "laughter is the best medicine" section on reader's digest once.... and I am going to start this new post with that particular joke...
"When God created man.. and Woman... He had trouble deciding with HIS last 2 gifts... So HE called up Adam and Eve ...
Almighty: Okay... I have 2 gifts in my sack right now... Who wants to go 1st?
Adam:Me ! Me! Me!
Almighty: Okay Adam... U get to pee while standing up....
Adam: Yes!!! Thats cooL!Thanks Poppa!...
Almighty: Do not celebrate yet.... Eve.. You are next......
Eve: .....
Almighty: U get to have (drum rolls) ... Multiple Orgasm.....
Eve: Yay!! Thanks Pop!
Adam: Oh mannn!!!!!"
Okay ... now to my main points ...
Yes ... You girls get to have multiple orgasms.... and that is the ONE thing guys sure wanna have too....but bear in mind that u have to give birth to children... Bleed once every month,followed by migraines and severe abdominal pains (which is not fun at all, I know.. I kinda feel the pain when i am around girls with MS).... That is not something guys would do... not in another million lifetime....
I guess God knew what he was doing.... he balanced everything up... kan?
Girls are so much better than guys.. in every single way.. and i mean.. in Aaaaaaaa-very single way..... They have more will power... They are so much stronger (mentally)...
But what happened lately is that girls are becoming more and more egoistical (with their qualifications .. achievements and all) ....meaner in words..... and most are turning into "players" ....
I dont know... Maybe im just softer "inside" than most guys....
"But girls are suppose to be the sweeter part of God's creation ba..."
They are suppose to stand there by their man.. and walk through life with her man... giving full support in no matter what her man does.... But now that the cultural barrier is so much smaller... girls tend to go for guys who are ... bigger and better in every way that is above average for us, Sabahan guys...the ethnic sabahans.....
These are some of the statements I got from my day to day life experience with girls....
- "Sia mau kawin urang putih supaya anak sa handsome2.. cute2... tinggi2... mancung2 idung"
- "Sia mau kawing urang itam abis "BASAR"
- "Sia mau kawin urang putih supaya sa dapat lari dari malaysia"
- "Budak2 sabah kuat moginum..teda wawasan.. teda pendirian..."
What do I say to that?
"JADI APA LA KAMI MAU MAKAN????!!!!" Wakakakak!!!
Girls have so much easier options than guys u know... They dont have to worry about satisfying their man.... and they dont have to worry about wether or not they can provide for the family .... For guys...saiz mau ngam oo... kalau kicil mana urang putih mau! ... wakakaka!!! kalau teda duit lagi.. bye bye gaman... hehehe..Im saying this based on facts ok ? And not every single one of u blog readers doesnt know that this is indeed true...
Frustrations is all that is left in me.. I just hope things can be back to normal again.. where girls can be what they are suppose to be ..."The sweeter part of God's creation"
Adakah mau kahwin orang hitam sebab BASAR? Apa maksud ko tu ye~! Hahaha.. i cant live without man juga oo.. i cry out loud when my father's gone.. seriusly.. i still cant accept it.. my biggest lost.. but.. nasib ada bf sya.. but it's kinda emotional laa lately.. takut lost lagi bah.. miahaha..
Anyway ye.. if ko jumpa girl yang baik.. jaga dia baik baik ok? (even susah mau cari girl baik skrg) *wink*
urang itam kan paling panjang buts... wakakakaka... recorded 16inch ooo african.... wakakakaka
MEsti la ba mau cry out loud.. takkan nangis dalam hati sja .. nanti jadi tekanan.. what I can say is... Death is a gift.. for to die is to go thru life.. kan? btl ba apa sa ckp.. im never wrong.. wakakaka....
if i find 1.. she'll be appreciated and cherished for sure... :)
romantic juga ko ni ah..hehe..
yeah agree with u juga la, but that type of woman which u said, have to be sweeter ka tu?;P still exist ba, cuma kurangs..hehe..
hope u'll fine someone yang ko tunggu2 slama ni..hehe
Wakakaka.. giloon.. itu pula.. ahahaha... But ye.. betul tu.. nowadays.. (i'm not against woman aah) mostly girls will go to the 'capable' one in sense of wealth and security.. Tapi.. kalau sya.. if tu lelaki jutawan pun.. paling hensem di dunia.. if hati tidak suka.. inda laa sya mau.. biar ikhlas.. nanti tiba tiba jatuh miskin? Nah.. ndah kan mau kasi tinggal?
u makes me laugh oO!
BASAR ahh...
Ruthnetta: Ko giLa ka nda mau romantic? im the last of my kind.. kunun.. wakakakaka.. nda ba .. nah kan .. ko pun sukung sa .. bererti fakta sa ni sahih la ni.. bukan omong kosong.. hehe...
Girly: Kalau sa pun sa kasi tinggal oo kalau jatuh miskin suda.. wakakaka
Corn: ada maksud tu "u make me laugh" tu.. prempuan suka tu kan funny guys? ko mo mengurat sa ka ni? wakakakakaka
Female have more orgasms? Yes and they also tend to fake it..to marry a black man? my goodness, just because his birdie is big (or does the girl wants humongous one? lol~)
kawin sma org putih, supaya anak2 semua cute2 and hidung mancung? adei, kalo kena yg bida, bida jua la..haish..girls these days very ambitious..adeis...kesian sabahan guys..bukannya teda tapi ada juga bah yg basar..ROFLMAO
ye, ko nei romantic oo kan..ngam..sa doa2 ko dpt pompuan yg bagus2 and ada family yg bagus2..kalo dpt, take care of her..:)
Sarah: Yang kasi fake tu ada pros and cons juga tu ... baik hati dia mau jaga hati itu lelaki.. tapi nanti tu lelaki perasan "good in bed" .... wakakaka.... yeah ba kan...ada juga urang putih yang bida ni... wakaka... yang mau basar tu sundal tu kan sarah? wakakaka....
terima kasih la.. sa nda tau puLa sa ni romantic.. baru sa type 1 blog suda kana ckp romantic.. jan kamu salah tafsir oo..hehe.. :P
if every man in this world is like u i'll be so haapppppy....express feelings towards writing. haihhh..
how i wish he writes too and be more independent and wiser :p
Yabah, faking "it", nanti si kawan terperasan, he's good in bed..bahaya sda tue..
mau yg basar nda juga la maksudnya dia sundal tapi utk keenakkan bersama tapi klo terlampau basar, sandi oo(wakakakakakakaka)...=))
Jan ko risau ye...inda jg di salah tafsir ayat ko nei..must have an open mind..:)
Bebeh: Wow...tell me u din just say that .. Wow.. Im so honored... Why u say that? Im too small to get such a big compliment (well i take that as a compliment.. LOL!) "ye'
if every man in this world is like u i'll be so haapppppy...." Woooowwwww...
Sarah:Keenakan bersama.. wakakakakak!!!
Yabah ye..untuk keenakan bersama bah..ko nei..pura2 lagi gia..;)
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