About Me

My photo
I am 5'7 and I dont really update myself with my weight. The last time I checked, I was 70kg. I have tan skin,brown eyes,i cut my hair with size 1 twice a week and etc.Well, I am just an ordinary person. Speaking of ordinary, I dont have any disabled forearms and my face is perfectly fine. I am straight and so far, I dont think I have any enemies. I am trying my best to be a good citizen of God and also to my country. I want to have a better life and hopefully someday my dream wiLL come true.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mau kasi puas hati Christina ... hehe

1. What is your name : Velarry
2. A four letter word : Vain
3. A boy's name : Vidic
4. A girl's name : Violette
5. An occupation : ?? i have no idea... LOL! Voctor? wakkakakkakakka
6. A color : bah... matai.. Vurple? wakakkakakkakkakkak!!!
7. Something you'll wear: Valcro ...
8. A food : Vizza..... :P
9. Something found in the bathroom: Vhampoo
10. A place : Virginia USA
11. A reason for being late : Voke up late.... waakakaka!!!
12. Something you'd shout : Vukima.... wakakakakkak!!!!
13. A movie title : Valkyrie
14. Something you drink : Vodka!!!
15. A musical group : Vetallica...
16. An animal : Viger? Vion? Vat? Vog? hahaha... I dont know any
17. A street name : Velarry Street
18. A type of car : Viper Dodge
19. Title of a song : V dont want to miss a thing ....

Oh my... this is hard!!


christina said...

:D owh ok.. now i can move on with my life... haha. tx.. puas hati se..

Velarry Suan said...

hahaha... k

Hahangai Avanus said...

Ye, sa nmpk ko sini mah.... kakakakaa...

Hahangai Avanus said...

Baru sa tau mah c Leo sdah resign dari Versus...
Angkol besar yg satu (BOB) lagi kestau ni...

Hahangai Avanus said...

Tapi Ye,
Sa betul2 nmpk ko d sini oh...
miahahahaha...lawa la bro

Velarry Suan said...

Ui anti!!!!!hahahah!!!