About Me

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I am 5'7 and I dont really update myself with my weight. The last time I checked, I was 70kg. I have tan skin,brown eyes,i cut my hair with size 1 twice a week and etc.Well, I am just an ordinary person. Speaking of ordinary, I dont have any disabled forearms and my face is perfectly fine. I am straight and so far, I dont think I have any enemies. I am trying my best to be a good citizen of God and also to my country. I want to have a better life and hopefully someday my dream wiLL come true.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Friends.Weekend.Weddings.Something about everything.


I attended a wedding held at Linangkit Cultural Village in Tuaran. I came a bit late but it was quite entertaining for me...I had some drinks and I danced like heLL. I was Sweating like heLL. After a whiLe. we kind ran out of drinks. So GirLy, Ben and Bino decided to leave. I planned to wait for more drinks to come but I kinda feLL asleep on the chair due to an early wake up caLL by my boss. I went home and had 2 hours of sleep before i went online. I called Bino up for supper.and went to pick him up at his place. went back and continued with my sleeping.


I went to church. I went to have lunch at a local restaurant (Mei Siang to be exact). and then once again we planned to go to a wedding. and this time in Inanam where the sister to friend of ours wiLL have her 2nd reception at home. I planned to get drunk again. So I asked my friend Nick to pick me up at home. at around 6.12pm they reached my place. So we went. Upon arriving we were greeted and seated. I think I was turning red (malu) . I know only a handfuLL of people and it was ... uncomfortable. I was not alone.Nelson kept lookin at his mobiLe phone expecting for a text msg or a call just to cover up. I had one can of beer and chated a bit with the host Elsie.... and Sharon ( one of the few ppL i know there) before we left..... searching for more... ... We went to 3 different cLubs and end up eating burger at Upperstar. LOL!

Rumba (Closed)

BED (Open+empty)

Shen (Closed)

The end.We went home.


Its my 1st day of the 1 week break I get from the company im working for. I spend all day chatting. I was so bored.So I decided to loqo. hAhAhA. Painted my face white. and the rest was a SURPRISING result. I got so many comments such was


"Holy cow! U look like the joker!!"

"Kalau budak nampak kau nangis trus oo!"

"Punya buruk kau!!"


chloe4485 ♛ said...

memang mcm joker oo ging..
haloween this year, u come up as joker laa.. Teehee..

i n d e n said...

oooh. i spot my name there! wootwoot! waakakaka.

and yes, sangatla macam joker. but version lagi bida la. LOL. ndaba. joker hensem bah.. *chokes to death*


Velarry Suan said...

hahaha!!temau .. sa mau jadi the riddler this year.. :P

woot woot! .. The joker just got uglier... hahaha!!

Petronella Suan said...

eee.... antu!

Velarry Suan said...

hEhEhE.. :P