About Me

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I am 5'7 and I dont really update myself with my weight. The last time I checked, I was 70kg. I have tan skin,brown eyes,i cut my hair with size 1 twice a week and etc.Well, I am just an ordinary person. Speaking of ordinary, I dont have any disabled forearms and my face is perfectly fine. I am straight and so far, I dont think I have any enemies. I am trying my best to be a good citizen of God and also to my country. I want to have a better life and hopefully someday my dream wiLL come true.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Match me in my list of Exotic Food

All my life I have been trying all sorts of exotic food. Some are just plain nasty to me but im quite proud with the accomplished few. :) These are the least said...

1. Smoked Civet/Musang/Kinoring Temuning
2. Monitor Lizard/Biawak
3. Beetle Larvae/Ulat Sagu/Gutod
4. Frog/Katak/Bongkok
5. Smoked Python/Ular Sawa/Kinoring Lopung
6. Tadpoles/Berudu/Landoi
7. Bee Larvae/Anak Tebuan/Tanak do Surun
8. Pig Intestines/Perut Karabau Pindik (hahaha!!!) yuck....
9. Dragonfly Larvae/Larva Pepatung/Sunsuri Gipan

I have yet to conquer Belalang Goreng,Dog Meat and Balot. But I dare not taste them :S


WarsongLord said...

dun eat dog! it's cruelty!

Velarry Suan said...


chloe4485 ♛ said...

ya, dont eat dog...
eat balut instead..

Velarry Suan said...

hahahaha!!! baLot I wont eat aLso!!